So this will probably end up very random.
We had a very nice Christmas. Sondra spent the night on Christmas Eve and stayed all day Christmas with us. It was good to be together.
I love the fact that while the kids are very eager to open their presents under the tree, they were also content with their stockings and will wait a couple of hours before beginning. It makes for a very relaxed morning. Some time to reflect and watch the children play together and be excited for what was in each other’s stockings (stickers, chapstick, cars, etc.)
We had some friends take all four children out one day to buy some presents for ME. The kids kept the surprise of what they bought for almost 3 weeks. Completely surprised me, Tommy never blabbed at all; but what surprised me more was the eagerness for me to open up what they had picked out. Their presents were still sitting under the tree and they were shuffling around trying to find the ones they wrapped. Apparently 3 weeks was just long enough to keep a surprise.
I usually don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, because well I think they are somewhat cliché. But guess what, I really do. Only it’s not at New Year’s, so does that count? See what happens is the week before Christmas (typically) I begin to quiet down some and begin to read God’s word more and pray a bit more than usual. All this brings about a sense of wanting more and knowing that I need God’s wisdom and for a second becoming aware of how much God loves each one of us. So it’s then that I begin to do memory scripture and pulling the kids along side one-on-one for some alone time with them. I want them to know how much they are loved, individually; not always an easy thing to do. Oh and I’ve also been working out in the gym. A healthier new year is here, I hope.
In one week I had 3 different people tell me how well behaved my children are. I’m not saying that to brag, believe me. But, after the third person said it and was very sincere, I had to take some time to look at my kids. Sometimes I feel as if I am always correcting, always reminding, and don’t get me started on the noise level in the living room. Do I wish they sit next to each holding hands reading, sure do, but God didn’t give me robots. He gave me four independent, funny, ambitious, healthy children. And I am learning to appreciate the noise and funniness (is that a word?) at times. They are good children, they just tend to let loose and be themselves when at home.
Be themselves when at home…..ow…. is that what I do? Am I one way at home and another out? Some more self-reflecting needs to be done on this one. I’ll let you know the results, but if you see me at Wal-Mart in a big sweatshirt, jogging pants (not that I jog) and being completely self-absorbed in my shopping mission, you’ll know I’ve reflected.
One last thing, back to Christmas, we added to our family this year. Thanks to the Tonawanada SPCA. They are quite the joy.
Please meet Luke (Tommy named him: as in Luke Skywalker)
Prince Alexander III (Abby got to name him, there are no other I, or II but the III makes him sound more prestigious, I guess.)
Owen is learning to be very gentle with them.
Have a great day.
In God’s Love, sheila
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