I had some alone time yesterday, almost an hour... That really was alot, so after wandering the house a bit I decided to go in the pool. I debated for the first 10 minutes though, I mean it was almost 7:00 and I knew the kiddies would be home soon, but wow, summer had finally hit and it was muggy....
So I grab a devotional book and headed out. We have a small blow-up pool serving as a relaxing chair (cost-effective) and I get in (the water was not warm, but it was good), so I begin to float around and I'm looking up at the sky and I see a 'silver-lining' on some clouds. Seriously. I begin to laugh outloud, well aware that I have no one to blame this on and that is when the thought hits me, 'Do people know they are having a nervous breakdown while they are having one', well, I decide, I would know and I'm not.
My prayer starts out something like, God, I don't know what is going on, I don't understand it, but I have a peace, I have joy and I know I am not alone......Thank you Jesus......
Now, does that sound like someone who is being pushed over the edge, nah I didn't think so.
Then I open that devotional book I had brought out, hehehe, hold tight things get even better.... The passage is talking about taking care of yourself just as Jesus did. The passage they used is when Jesus was healing and after some time he got in the boat and left to go to the other side. He needed to take care of himself, pray, and even though there may have still been some people that needed healing, Jesus did what he needed to.
So here I was, alone, floating in my pool, alone, realizing again how much God loves me and knows everything that is going on and if I had any doubts about whether or not I should allow my children to go to a friends for a few hours or do everything I possibly can by myself, God answered. He knew what I was thinking and feeling.
I'll leave you with this one picture I took at Houghton. I had been reading this book for a few weeks at bedtime and this afternoon Owen just had to have my books and fell asleep. And to be quite honest I'm finding Job a little exhausting myself.
In God's Love, sheila
Oh, by the way, I got the job, YAHOOO
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