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Trying to follow God and draw closer to him each day. Some days I slip, some days I fall, I'm so glad He never does.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me, Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

So being the prim and proper Mommy that I am I would never laugh as I tried to teach my children (9,7,4) the correct body terminology. I would never blush as I read a book to my oldest daughter about her body, nope, not me.

And of course I would stop my son from saying 'Nakey' instead of the proper term, penis. I would also not allow my son to make fun of his new found terms in such a way: Mary, has a nakey, nakey, nakey, nakey. (clearly I was not very clear on who had what.) And I would definitely re-think my whole parenting skills as my 4 yr says in his most scared voice: 'ooooh there's a vagina in the house', whereas his too-smart-for-her-own-good sister says 'Duh, Tommy, of course, there's lots in the house.' (We are a 3 girl, 3 boy family.) None of this makes me cringe or blush, Nope, Not me.

I also don't have a sore back from playing too much volleyball this weekend and acting like I was much younger than I really am, Nope, Not me. I also wouldn't neglect our new little puppy just because he was outside and all wet. Nope, not me.

I also didn't cry real tears at a high-school graduation this weekend as I looked at a young girl I knew since she was born and then thought of my own and how fast it has already went.

Have a great day.. sheila

1 comment:

  1. oh this could be fun! Is this going to be an every monday thing then? Glad I found your blog :)
