So being the prim and proper Mommy that I am I would never laugh as I tried to teach my children (9,7,4) the correct body terminology. I would never blush as I read a book to my oldest daughter about her body, nope, not me.
And of course I would stop my son from saying 'Nakey' instead of the proper term, penis. I would also not allow my son to make fun of his new found terms in such a way: Mary, has a nakey, nakey, nakey, nakey. (clearly I was not very clear on who had what.) And I would definitely re-think my whole parenting skills as my 4 yr says in his most scared voice: 'ooooh there's a vagina in the house', whereas his too-smart-for-her-own-good sister says 'Duh, Tommy, of course, there's lots in the house.' (We are a 3 girl, 3 boy family.) None of this makes me cringe or blush, Nope, Not me.
I also don't have a sore back from playing too much volleyball this weekend and acting like I was much younger than I really am, Nope, Not me. I also wouldn't neglect our new little puppy just because he was outside and all wet. Nope, not me.
I also didn't cry real tears at a high-school graduation this weekend as I looked at a young girl I knew since she was born and then thought of my own and how fast it has already went.
Have a great day.. sheila