Well, we are almost ready for Houghton. Cleaned, Packed, & reminded Tommy 'No peeing outside...' Why is it when you give a reminder of this type, all the loopholes have to get covered. For example:
What if we are driving down and Tommy has to go real bad and there's no bathroom around (thank you Serena) or
What if we are out in the rope course and Tommy has to use the bathroom (thank you Abby)
What if I'm standing next to a tree (thank you Tommy)
I'm sure we will have a great week and be spiritual feed some good stuff. Hope to share it all with ya when I get back.
In God's Love, sheila
About Me

- sheila
- Trying to follow God and draw closer to him each day. Some days I slip, some days I fall, I'm so glad He never does.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dragging My Feet
Do you ever have something you know you need to do, but are really dragging your feet on?
Well, I lost my resume and I need to make a new one. I usually make a copy of it to take on the interviews with me. I tried to do this but my printer was running out of ink and only shot out a 1/2 readable page which I crumbled up and threw away (oh why did I do that) and went onto my interview, taking my last one and only copy. Not too big of a deal considering I can just print out a copy from the computer. However, I search my computer, I search my work computer, I look on my backups and IT"S NOT THERE.... UGH...
Now this really wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't a really good resume. It was really good. Now I'm left with trying to re-create something that in no way will measure up. And just to prove that point, I have spent two days jotting down things that were on the last one and it's just not coming together. This is, of course, after spending a week and a half looking for this lost file. What a waste of time, yet if you seeing pulling apart drawers, it's got to be somewhere, I just know it.
And because inquiring minds wanted to know (or at least Sharon asked) here are some great photos of our camping trip. Good memories, some rough spots, but overall it was good. I'll let you know more about that later (abby, Mcdonalds & one long car ride = NOT GOOD...)

Everyone has to help..
Is this just not the cutest.....
Look at the shock on his face, he was loving it....
and the determination, even the boy behind was impressed. Alas, it got away. Truth be told, I'm not sure there was even anything there. Serena proved to be quite the fishermen (fisherwomen, girl, lady).

Well, I lost my resume and I need to make a new one. I usually make a copy of it to take on the interviews with me. I tried to do this but my printer was running out of ink and only shot out a 1/2 readable page which I crumbled up and threw away (oh why did I do that) and went onto my interview, taking my last one and only copy. Not too big of a deal considering I can just print out a copy from the computer. However, I search my computer, I search my work computer, I look on my backups and IT"S NOT THERE.... UGH...
Now this really wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't a really good resume. It was really good. Now I'm left with trying to re-create something that in no way will measure up. And just to prove that point, I have spent two days jotting down things that were on the last one and it's just not coming together. This is, of course, after spending a week and a half looking for this lost file. What a waste of time, yet if you seeing pulling apart drawers, it's got to be somewhere, I just know it.
And because inquiring minds wanted to know (or at least Sharon asked) here are some great photos of our camping trip. Good memories, some rough spots, but overall it was good. I'll let you know more about that later (abby, Mcdonalds & one long car ride = NOT GOOD...)
and the determination, even the boy behind was impressed. Alas, it got away. Truth be told, I'm not sure there was even anything there. Serena proved to be quite the fishermen (fisherwomen, girl, lady).
And I've decided that I am not going out of the house without sunglasses, how cool are they?? I think they make my nose look smaller.
And even the clouds didn't stop the kids from swimming...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Do I hear God in the whisper?
Thank you so much for all your prayers over the weekend. They were much needed and much felt.
I was reading a devotional this morning, well first I was reading the Bible about the Prophet Elijah and when he ran and called out to God to let him die, it is too hard, he is the only one left. Elijah knew the God of fire and earthquake and furious wind, but did he know him in the whisper?
Back to the devotional, it focused on Psalm 84:5-7 (MSG),
5-7 And how blessed all those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel; They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn—Zion! God in full view!
Psalm 84:5-7 (Amplified Bible)
5Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. 6Passing through the Valley of Weeping (Baca), they make it a place of springs; the early rain also fills [the pools] with blessings. 7They go from strength to strength [increasing in victorious power]; each of them appears before God in Zion.
My favorite part of these verses is ‘whose lives become roads you travel’….
I want my life to be a road God travels daily; I know there are lonesome valleys, places of springs, but did I know that I could go from strength to strength ‘increasing in victorious power’ until that day we appear in full view of God.
We had another funeral this past week. A close friend’s 20 yr old son died. Did he ever accept Christ into his life? Do they have the hope and assurance? Oh Lord…my heart hurts for them.
My sister spoke at the funeral and afterwards I was talking with the Grandmother and she was just amazed at my sister trying to give comfort and the strength that she showed. Only in Christ do we have any strength at this time, only in Christ can we have the hope of one day being with those sweet loved boys. Only in Christ can we offer hope and comfort to others. I hope they saw that, I pray there was a glimmer of Christ in us that showed through.
And now as we go on our annual camping trip, it's with eagerness and some aniexty about how this year is going to be so different. I thank God for the wonderful memories we have of last year and pray we can continue to enjoy this great time together. Here are some pictures of last year...Enjoy and I hope you are taking the time to make some family memories of your own.... In God's Love, sheila

This is one of the last pictues we have of all 7 children together.

Bubbles are always fun....at any age.

Playing some hokey pokey had never been so fun.

I was reading a devotional this morning, well first I was reading the Bible about the Prophet Elijah and when he ran and called out to God to let him die, it is too hard, he is the only one left. Elijah knew the God of fire and earthquake and furious wind, but did he know him in the whisper?
Back to the devotional, it focused on Psalm 84:5-7 (MSG),
5-7 And how blessed all those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel; They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn—Zion! God in full view!
Psalm 84:5-7 (Amplified Bible)
5Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. 6Passing through the Valley of Weeping (Baca), they make it a place of springs; the early rain also fills [the pools] with blessings. 7They go from strength to strength [increasing in victorious power]; each of them appears before God in Zion.
My favorite part of these verses is ‘whose lives become roads you travel’….
I want my life to be a road God travels daily; I know there are lonesome valleys, places of springs, but did I know that I could go from strength to strength ‘increasing in victorious power’ until that day we appear in full view of God.
We had another funeral this past week. A close friend’s 20 yr old son died. Did he ever accept Christ into his life? Do they have the hope and assurance? Oh Lord…my heart hurts for them.
My sister spoke at the funeral and afterwards I was talking with the Grandmother and she was just amazed at my sister trying to give comfort and the strength that she showed. Only in Christ do we have any strength at this time, only in Christ can we have the hope of one day being with those sweet loved boys. Only in Christ can we offer hope and comfort to others. I hope they saw that, I pray there was a glimmer of Christ in us that showed through.
And now as we go on our annual camping trip, it's with eagerness and some aniexty about how this year is going to be so different. I thank God for the wonderful memories we have of last year and pray we can continue to enjoy this great time together. Here are some pictures of last year...Enjoy and I hope you are taking the time to make some family memories of your own.... In God's Love, sheila

This is one of the last pictues we have of all 7 children together.

Bubbles are always fun....at any age.
Here's a picture of Sondra, Brandon, and Sarah (aren't they the coolest?) Is it just me or is this picture just screaming out for a caption. Help me out, all I can come up with is: See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil... but someone must be more clever than me...? What are your thoughts.

Playing some hokey pokey had never been so fun.

Actually I just noticed all 7 kids are here too, Pat is carrying Owen in the backpack, lol...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Not Me Monday, 7-14, of course today is Tuesday though

Are you feeling guilty for not changing your children's bedsheets for weeks on end? Cringe if a car goes by and your taking out your trash not dressed up to par? Overcome with embarrassment after your child breaks something in public or worse won't listen to you? We'll don't be! Not Me! Monday was born out of a desire to admit some of our imperfections (but only some) and reveal a few moments I'd rather forget (only a few). You may find it therapeutic to join in and do the same thing!
So let's see what I didn't do the past week:
I didn’t try to be so cute as to swing my husband in that hammock and then jump on only to have us both fall flat on our backs, because, of course, Curves is working very well for me.
I also would never change in the van because I was pressed for time and wanted to get to Target. I also wouldn’t allow my little one to use my skirt as pillow and even if I did do that, which I didn’t, I wouldn’t then take him to church and lay him on the floor using my skirt as a blanket. Of course I wouldn’t. I am always prepared.
I didn’t try to be so cute as to swing my husband in that hammock and then jump on only to have us both fall flat on our backs, because, of course, Curves is working very well for me.
I also would never tell my daughter to hurry up eating so her brother could use her plate, just because I had already did the dishes. I know all about germs.
And because safety is truly a concern of mine, I would never give my prim & proper girls the sled to slid down a mudslide with. Not Me!! (Rest assured no one was hurt and I really did stop them before they shoved Owen down it.)
I also would never change in the van because I was pressed for time and wanted to get to Target. I also wouldn’t allow my little one to use my skirt as pillow and even if I did do that, which I didn’t, I wouldn’t then take him to church and lay him on the floor using my skirt as a blanket. Of course I wouldn’t. I am always prepared.
And I never, no never, go shopping without a list and an agenda. That is just asking for trouble. Like maybe realizing you just spent $35 on batteries for everything electronic in your entire house. Not needed, Not Me!!
We will be going camping this weekend. A much needed camping trip; and I may or may not have invited too many people.
We will be going camping this weekend. A much needed camping trip; and I may or may not have invited too many people.
Don't have a blog or too chicken to leave your Not Me's there? Just leave your Not Me's in the comments of this post so we can all enjoy them. I know you got them, we all do.
In God's Love, sheila
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Birthday with the King
Daydon is having his birthday with the King this year. This is not what we planned or the road we want to walk. But while we miss and hurt, we grieve with hope.
We will be with them far longer than they were with us. Thank you Jesus.
We'll be together again, and our love will be made perfect.
Friday, July 10, 2009
July 11, 1981
Where were you on July 11, 1981?
When news came out that my mom was expecting a baby, I was less than thrilled. I was 10. Not looking forward to all the changes I envisioned needed to be made for the little bundles arrival. Yes, selfishness comes to mind now. I never gave it a thought about a girl or boy, I mean a baby is a baby, it didn’t much matter to me.
But then she came. July 11, 1981. My baby SISTER. OK, I suppose if she had to be one or the other, a girl was a good choice. I already had a brother. Sure she was cute and cuddly. But she was also a lot of work. And then it turns out, she likes me. Well, let’s put it into perspective, she worships me. Everywhere I went, she would cry to come, when I would wake up in the morning, there I would find her, cuddled up right next to me. They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so they say.
Truth be told, we grew and loved each other as a little sisters and big sisters do. I certainly was not always a good example for her. But she looked beyond my faults.
There were times when I overstepped my ‘sisterly’ advice and times when she played the ‘little’ sister card. Our relationship has been on so many levels, it’s funny to look back now and think of the funny things I could get her to do. She did them, not because she really wanted to, but because she wanted to make her big sister smile and laugh. And there were many times she did that. There have been many times I have been very proud to be her sister.
Our roles changed as we became parents. We took a more girlfriend (equals) role, although I would never fully relinquish my role of Big Sister. We shared all. There is no one else I would rather share the experiences of motherhood with. We have been with each other for ever life-changing event that has come our way.
And now we in different roles again. I enjoyed the previous role, very much. I’m not sure what role we are at this point. It’s fuzzy and gray. I wish I could make her smile and laugh. I know that she has to find her own way through this and I know God sees her right where she is at. He is a patient, loving God.
I can’t make things better for her, I can’t change what has happened, but I can pray for her.
And so as Saturday will be extremely difficult for her, I am asking for prayers for her. Please pray for protection, and peace. Pray she will sense God is near and her boys are well, very well.
Happy Birthday Sondra, I love you with all my heart. sheila
When news came out that my mom was expecting a baby, I was less than thrilled. I was 10. Not looking forward to all the changes I envisioned needed to be made for the little bundles arrival. Yes, selfishness comes to mind now. I never gave it a thought about a girl or boy, I mean a baby is a baby, it didn’t much matter to me.
But then she came. July 11, 1981. My baby SISTER. OK, I suppose if she had to be one or the other, a girl was a good choice. I already had a brother. Sure she was cute and cuddly. But she was also a lot of work. And then it turns out, she likes me. Well, let’s put it into perspective, she worships me. Everywhere I went, she would cry to come, when I would wake up in the morning, there I would find her, cuddled up right next to me. They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, so they say.

There were times when I overstepped my ‘sisterly’ advice and times when she played the ‘little’ sister card. Our relationship has been on so many levels, it’s funny to look back now and think of the funny things I could get her to do. She did them, not because she really wanted to, but because she wanted to make her big sister smile and laugh. And there were many times she did that. There have been many times I have been very proud to be her sister.

And now we in different roles again. I enjoyed the previous role, very much. I’m not sure what role we are at this point. It’s fuzzy and gray. I wish I could make her smile and laugh. I know that she has to find her own way through this and I know God sees her right where she is at. He is a patient, loving God.
I can’t make things better for her, I can’t change what has happened, but I can pray for her.
And so as Saturday will be extremely difficult for her, I am asking for prayers for her. Please pray for protection, and peace. Pray she will sense God is near and her boys are well, very well.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 4th
This past week has been hard, really hard. I’ve been missing the boys so much. Sondra spent the day at our house on Weds. and it was nice to have her over for a couple hours. We kept things light and easy. There were a few times when we talked about the upcoming 4th of July which led us to what we did last year and the year before.
I’ve noticed she has been spending more time with Owen than the other children. I wonder if it hurts too much to be around Abby, Serena, & Tommy. They love her so much.
Friday came and I was moody and it was the 3rd . Eight months ago on the third the boys were getting off the bus at my house and playing and laughing. No matter how much I tried, I could not push thoughts away. I would look at the clock and remember what I was doing at that moment 8 mths ago, it was an emotional day.
We went to Olcott for the fireworks. It was hard not having them around somewhere to share in the laughter and fun. As the fireworks started Tommy asked me if I thought Day-Day could see them. I wanted to tell him about the galaxy and shooting stars and how much more Day-Day has than us, but time did not permit and so I kissed the top of his head and said that I am sure Day-Day’s fireworks are sooo much better and bigger. Pleased with my answer and thinking I made him feel better, I looked at him looking at me and he said, ‘Momma, there’s no night in Heaven.’….ummmmm, he got me. I think as I tuck him in this week, we will talk about the galaxy and shooting stars and the all the wonders God created.
The 4th is here, UGH…. Should be filled with joy and happiness but there is such a heaviness hanging I can’t shake it. We have plans to go to a parade, I’m wondering how I can get out of it. I just know that I can’t go and pretend to be happy when all I want is this day to be over. Seems everybody is feeling the crankiness and stress so we head home for a nap and opt out of the parade. The boys feel asleep after little protest and I got up. Not too sure what to do, I was tired but couldn’t rest, so I went out to the hammock. I am beginning to enjoy that thing. Great Father’s Day present it was.
As I was swinging out there, I began crying again and this time I let myself cry, really cry. I was hurting. It has been 8 mths since I have seen them, hugged them or heard their voices. I began to talk with God and pray. I was staring up at the sky searching for something and after some time my mind began to flood with memories, memories of them and us and after each memory there would be a smile on my face. I was filled with a peace inside. I want to continue looking ahead, this is not our home.
Romans 8:28-39
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Please continue to pray for my family as this week goes on. It is a hard one. In God’s Love, sheila
I’ve noticed she has been spending more time with Owen than the other children. I wonder if it hurts too much to be around Abby, Serena, & Tommy. They love her so much.
Friday came and I was moody and it was the 3rd . Eight months ago on the third the boys were getting off the bus at my house and playing and laughing. No matter how much I tried, I could not push thoughts away. I would look at the clock and remember what I was doing at that moment 8 mths ago, it was an emotional day.
We went to Olcott for the fireworks. It was hard not having them around somewhere to share in the laughter and fun. As the fireworks started Tommy asked me if I thought Day-Day could see them. I wanted to tell him about the galaxy and shooting stars and how much more Day-Day has than us, but time did not permit and so I kissed the top of his head and said that I am sure Day-Day’s fireworks are sooo much better and bigger. Pleased with my answer and thinking I made him feel better, I looked at him looking at me and he said, ‘Momma, there’s no night in Heaven.’….ummmmm, he got me. I think as I tuck him in this week, we will talk about the galaxy and shooting stars and the all the wonders God created.
The 4th is here, UGH…. Should be filled with joy and happiness but there is such a heaviness hanging I can’t shake it. We have plans to go to a parade, I’m wondering how I can get out of it. I just know that I can’t go and pretend to be happy when all I want is this day to be over. Seems everybody is feeling the crankiness and stress so we head home for a nap and opt out of the parade. The boys feel asleep after little protest and I got up. Not too sure what to do, I was tired but couldn’t rest, so I went out to the hammock. I am beginning to enjoy that thing. Great Father’s Day present it was.
As I was swinging out there, I began crying again and this time I let myself cry, really cry. I was hurting. It has been 8 mths since I have seen them, hugged them or heard their voices. I began to talk with God and pray. I was staring up at the sky searching for something and after some time my mind began to flood with memories, memories of them and us and after each memory there would be a smile on my face. I was filled with a peace inside. I want to continue looking ahead, this is not our home.
Romans 8:28-39
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Please continue to pray for my family as this week goes on. It is a hard one. In God’s Love, sheila
Monday, July 6, 2009
Not Me Monday

I would never have a meltdown just because the prescriptions we had been waiting for over the 4th of July weekend got dropped off at the wrong pharmacy. Nope, not me, I tend to go with the flow. I also would never order pizza just so I didn’t have to make even the simpliest of decisions. Nope, not me. Also, I always strive for comfort when dressing, I would never wear a cute pair of capris only to realize they are not too cute sitting on the ground watching the fireworks. Or perhaps it was the equally cute belt that may or may not have been one notch too tight. Nope, not me. I always go for comfort. I also did not feed my 4 yr old cotton candy and marvel at his amazement of it. That stuff is pure junk. I also didn’t go stalk down a friend to help with the kids cause Mr. Wonderful really didn’t feel like going and dealing with the crowds. And of course I didn’t pout or act like a wounded bird, Nope, not me. I tend to be understanding to a fault. I also didn’t ask my oldest 27 times if she was sure she wanted to stay home too. Nope, not me, I can handle a ‘No’ without feeling rejected.
I also don't secretly wonder how much gas we waste with the a/c on and the window down in the van. And of course I would never switch it off even though I know my other half wants it on. And I wouldn't be silently screaming, 'do up the windoooow', no, not me, my communication is much better than that.
I also may or may not be glad when soccer season is over. I am the most reserved parent watching, even when my 7 yr old is all over the field playing very well or when my 4 yr old scores (in his own net). Nope, not loud cheering on the home team from me; just quietly smiling. I also didn’t completely forget to get Mr. 4 yr old out of the church nursery during Sunday school, nope not me, I always know where my children are. So if you really know me, you'll know the areas I need prayer in. Thanks. In God's Love, sheila
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Lessons My Husband Is Teaching...who knew...
We just finished up softball for the season. Pat has been coaching both daughters this year. It’s been fun, and I am glad it’s over. Now we are onto Soccer. Yes, he is coaching Abby’s team. Now how do I go in between Tommy’s team and Serena’s team and watch Abby’s. UGH…..A sport’s mom, I am not….. I should be home in the hammock with Owen. We would enjoy that.

Back to the lessons taught in softball, which were really good lessons, I just didn’t know it at the time. Life lessons were being taught by my husband and I had no idea. Go figure. Pat kept trying to have the girls ‘know what you’re going to do with the ball before it gets to you’. Because, let’s be honest, once the ball comes their way, they tend to get a little flustered and everyone is screaming directions at them. It’s too confusing for me and I’m in the dugout (love being part of the cheering section).
The Lesson: We went to a graduation party and we had so much fun being with family & friends. Some that I have not seen in quite some time. In the midst of the day there were times when I was offered a ‘fun’ drink; when I thought, ummmm…for about a second and a half. But because, at a point in my life, I had learned what I was going to do with the ball, before it got to me, I was not caught off guard.
So I laughed, said ‘no thanks’ again, walked away and had a great time.
Would it of hurt me? Would it of hurt my family? Would I have had more fun? Would it of been fine and no harm done? I don’t know, but I do know that when Jesus rescued me from the life I had previously, I knew I never wanted to be there again. It is not worth it for me. And did I mention what a wonderful, family time we had. It truly was a great evening.
Happy 4th of July to all and remember to count the cost...love, sheila
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Back to the lessons taught in softball, which were really good lessons, I just didn’t know it at the time. Life lessons were being taught by my husband and I had no idea. Go figure. Pat kept trying to have the girls ‘know what you’re going to do with the ball before it gets to you’. Because, let’s be honest, once the ball comes their way, they tend to get a little flustered and everyone is screaming directions at them. It’s too confusing for me and I’m in the dugout (love being part of the cheering section).
The Lesson: We went to a graduation party and we had so much fun being with family & friends. Some that I have not seen in quite some time. In the midst of the day there were times when I was offered a ‘fun’ drink; when I thought, ummmm…for about a second and a half. But because, at a point in my life, I had learned what I was going to do with the ball, before it got to me, I was not caught off guard.
So I laughed, said ‘no thanks’ again, walked away and had a great time.
Would it of hurt me? Would it of hurt my family? Would I have had more fun? Would it of been fine and no harm done? I don’t know, but I do know that when Jesus rescued me from the life I had previously, I knew I never wanted to be there again. It is not worth it for me. And did I mention what a wonderful, family time we had. It truly was a great evening.
Happy 4th of July to all and remember to count the cost...love, sheila
PS: in case your wondering (the dirt pile is just getting bigger and the boys are loving it.)
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